Learn result JoyFrog
JoyFrog Documents Navigation
Directory of all JoyFrog documents.
JoyFrog Micro:bit Controller - 04 Coding with Scratch
Learn to code your JoyFrog with Scrach with this tutorial.

JoyFrog Micro:bit Controller - 02 Coding with MakeCode
As the expansion board for Micro:bit, JoyFrog can be programmed with MakeCode. Check out this tutorial and start you coding...

JoyFrog Micro:bit Controller - 03 Coding with MakeCode
Joyfrog is an expansion board for Micro:bit, but also a controller itself. Learn to program it with the Scratch-based editor...

JoyFrog Micro:bit Controller - 01 Introduction
Basic information of the JoyFrog expansion board/ mainboard can be found in this article. Are you ready to program with...