Future Board MicroPython Programming - 11 Robotbit

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Import FutureBoard Library

Import the Library to make use of its functions.

from future import *


11: RobotBit

Import Robotbit Library

import robotbit

1. Initiate a Robotbit Object


2. Motor Speed


Parameter index indicates the port of motor, value range is 1~4. Parameter speed controls the speed, value range is -255~255.

3. Stop All Motors


4. Control Servos


Parameter index indicates the servo port, value range is S1~S8. Parameter angle controls the angle, value range is 0~180.

5. Control GeekServo 9G Servos


Parameter index indicates the servo port, value range is S1~S8. Parameter angle controls the angle, value range is -45~225.

6. Control GeekServo 2K Servos


Parameter index indicates the servo port, value range is S1~S8. Parameter angle controls the angle, value range is 0~360.

7. Twin Stepper Motors

Parameters degree1 and degree2 control M1 and M2 respectively.

8. Single Stepper Motor


Use index to select the motor port, value range is 1~2. Parameter degree controls the angle.


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KittenBot Team


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